
publications by categories in reversed chronological order. generated by jekyll-scholar.


  1. Sustainable and Inclusive Low-Carbon Transport for Surat City, India
    Darshini MahadeviaMinal Pathak, Saumya Lathia, Chandrima Mukhopadhyay, and Shannay Rawal
    SSRN, 2023
  2. Assessment of Urban Climate Actions in 110 Smart Cities of India
    Minal Pathak, Shaurya Patel, Shannay Rawal, Bandish Patel, Purvi Vyas, and Priyadarshi Shukla
    SSRN, 2023


  1. Demand side climate change mitigation actions and SDGs: literature review with systematic evidence search
    Environmental Research Letters, Mar 2021


  1. Metamodel-based parametric study of composite laminates
    Vishal FegadeShannay Rawal, and M Ramachandran
    IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Mar 2020
  2. Effect of fire retardancy materials in fibre reinforced composite plate for false ceilings: A Review
    Shannay Rawal, and M. Ramachandran
    IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Mar 2020
  3. A review on straightening of bars and application of probabilistic approach on Moment-curvature relationship
    Sanjib Roy, Arun Kiran Pal, and Shannay Rawal
    IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Mar 2020